Meridian Audio

Meridian Audio was founded more than 40 years ago, back in 1976. This English brand is famous for its innovations and still develops and manufactures its products exclusively in England, near Cambridge. Meridian is famous for its achievements in the transmission and playback of music and movies from digital media. They were the first in the world to produce active digital acoustics, the first to make a hi-End standard CD player and the first ambient sound processor. Today, the company is the undisputed leader in digital audio, has the right to vote in various associations, including the Blue-Ray group, equips the Jaguar–Land Rover brand group with music systems and produces a whole line of products for home music and cinema: a Line of digital active DSP acoustics including embedded models, Hi-End CD player, award-winning, network players with hardware support for MQA, ambient sound controllers, High-End amplifiers, multi-room amplifiers and controllers, etc. Meridian is famous for its impeccable reference quality reproduction, produces all its products only in England and provides the highest quality products, and most importantly, the support of its customers.

Почему стоит отдать предпочтение Meridian акустике?

Meridian акустика обладает превосходным качеством звучания, идеальный баланс качества – звуковой передачи и воспроизведения дорожки. Meridian Audio добился наилучшего качества цифровой акустики, на сегодняшний день это лидер в цифровой акустической индустрии.